I-69 Ohio River Crossing Virtual Public Meeting is Thursday

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Project update will be followed by a comment period

A virtual public meeting will be held April 1 to provide an update on the proposed I-69 Ohio River Crossing (I-69 ORX). The meeting is an opportunity to learn more about the preferred alternative, how the Project Team reached its decision, refinements made and next steps for the project.

Central Alternative 1B Modified has been identified as the single preferred alternative. It includes a four-lane I-69 bridge and retains one US 41 bridge for local traffic. Only the I-69 bridge will be tolled.

The public meeting is 6 to 7 p.m. CT Thursday. People who want to attend the virtual meeting should register in advance at http://bit.ly/I-69ORXPublicMeeting. They will receive a confirmation email and meeting link. Attendees can also use a dial-in option and call 888-475-4499 and use Meeting ID # 976 5885 9943 to join by phone.

A 15-day comment period will run through Friday, April 16. Comments can be received by phone (888-515-9756), by email (info@I69OhioRiverCrossing.com) and by mail. The mailing address is I-69 Ohio River Crossing, 1970 Barrett Ct., Suite 100, Henderson, KY 42420. Individuals can use the same contact channels to request project materials be sent by mail.

Next Steps

The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) are expected this fall. The Project Team will publish the FEIS identifying the selected alternative and receive a ROD from the Federal Highway Administration. I-69 ORX is divided into two sections for construction. I-69 ORX Section 1 focuses on improvements in Henderson and extends from KY 425 to US 60. The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is overseeing ORX Section 1 with construction expected to begin in 2022.

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