Public meeting dates announced to reveal short list of corridors

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Two open houses are scheduled late this month and early next month to discuss the short list of corridors for a new I-69 Ohio River Crossing (I-69 ORX).

A list of five broad corridors was presented in April. An extensive screening process has followed. The short list of corridors is expected later this month, and will be discussed further at the open houses.

Evansville Open House 
Monday, July 31, 5 – 7 p.m.
Crescent Room at Milestones
621 S. Cullen Ave.

Henderson Open House
Tuesday, Aug. 1, 5 – 7 p.m.
Henderson Community College
Preston Fine Arts Center
2660 S. Green St.

Each open house will include a presentation at 6 p.m. The rest of the event is an open house format, with several information stations.

Attendees will have a chance to talk one-on-one with leaders of the I-69 ORX team, hear more about the project and ask questions. Comment cards will be provided.

Henderson Area Rapid Transit (HART) will run a special, free route for the Henderson open house. Riders will depart from the central dispatch point at Third and Main streets at 5:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. Buses will transport participants back to Third and Main at 7 p.m.

Public transportation to the Evansville open house is available via Metropolitan Evansville Transit System (METS), through available connections.

The I-69 ORX team will continue detailed data collection and engineering analyses, with a preferred alternative expected by fall of 2018 and a Record of Decision (ROD) expected by late 2019.

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