DEIS Public Comment Period Ends

Comment period ends Friday, February 8 This is the final week for residents to share feedback on the preferred alternatives for the proposed I-69 Ohio River Crossing (I-69 ORX). The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) public comment period ends Friday, Feb. 8. The comment period opened on Dec. 14 with publication of the DEIS. Written […]

I-69 Ohio River Crossing Public Hearings are Next Week

Hearings are Monday in Henderson and Tuesday in Evansville Public hearings are scheduled next week to provide information and gather input on the preferred alternatives for the proposed I-69 Ohio River Crossing (I-69 ORX). Both hearings will include a presentation and formal comment period. Henderson Open House Monday, Jan. 7, 5 to 8 p.m. Henderson […]

Central Alternatives 1A and 1B are the Preferred Alternative for I-69 ORX

Preferred alternatives in DEIS present two tolling options The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) have identified two preferred alternatives: Central Alternative 1A and Central Alternative 1B for the proposed I-69 Ohio River Crossing (I-69 ORX). The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was released today identifying preferred alternatives with different tolling […]

Surveys and Field Work Continuing for I-69 Crossing

Preferred alternative expected this fall  The I-69 Ohio River Crossing (I-69 ORX) Project Team is conducting additional survey and field work as the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) move closer to identifying a preferred alternative and publishing the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) this fall. Letters were recently mailed […]

Preliminary alternatives for I-69 Ohio River Crossing

The I-69 Ohio River Crossing (I-69 ORX) Project Team has developed preliminary alternatives for each of the three corridors being considered for a new I-69 bridge and interstate connections. Based on further engineering analyses, West Alternative 1, West Alternative 2 and Central Alternative 1 provide the best opportunity to be financially feasible and address the […]
