Project Documents

Section 1

Public Meeting | July 2024

NEPA Reevaluation Statement | July 2023

Virtual Project Update | April 2023

Section 3

NEPA Reevaluation Statement | August 2024​

Industry Forum | April 2023

Financial Plan

Project Management Plan

Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD)

(September 2021)

Find archived documents and files in the appendices of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS).

FEIS Appendices

Section 106 Documentation

Section 106 outlines the process involved in identifying and assessing the project’s effects on historic properties. Project documents prepared as part of the Section 106 process are available through INDOT’s Section 106 Consultation and Outreach Portal Enterprise (IN SCOPE) site. Enter the DES number “1601700” and press “Search.”

Title VI

As a recipient of federal funds, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) is required to develop a procedure for gathering statistical data regarding participants and beneficiaries of its federal-aid highway programs and activities (23CFR 200.9 (b)(4)), INDOT is distributing this voluntary survey to fulfill that requirement to gather information about the populations affected by a proposed project. Click here to download the voluntary Title VI survey.
