Roundabout Ready

What You Need to Know

Six new roundabouts are being built in Henderson.

The three roundabouts at KY 351/2nd Street opened to two lanes of traffic in November.

Three roundabouts located at the new US 60 interchange are expected to open by fall of 2025.

Using a Roundabout

A roundabout is an unsignalized one-way circular intersection that improves traffic flow, minimizes congestion, and increases safety.

Roundabouts are used to promote lower speeds and reduce conflict points, leading to improved performance.

Key Steps

Keep in Mind:

Benefits of a Roundabout

Roundabouts are successfully in use across the country and region, with approximately 10,000 roundabouts in use in the United States.

**Courtesy of United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.

Roundabouts at KY 351

Roundabouts at KY 351/2nd Street facilitate moving traffic on and off I-69 and east and west along KY 351/2nd Street.

Roundabouts at US 60

Be Roundabout Ready

Learn more and access materials that will help ensure you are Roundabout Ready!

Two-Lane Roundabouts

Roundabout Ready Fact Sheet

Roundabout Ready for Kids – Word Search

Roundabout Ready for Kids – I Spy ORX

Getting Where You Need to Go

Take a virtual drive through several routes in the area.

How to Use a Roundabout

Henderson County High School from I-69 South

Henderson County High School from I-69 North

Downtown Henderson from I-69 North

Downtown Henderson from I-69 South

Zion Road from Downtown Henderson

Downtown Henderson from Zion Road

Downtown Henderson
from KY 2084

I-69 South from Henderson County High School

I-69 North from Downtown Henderson
